
Applying Civil Rights Law to Clinical Research Title VI’s Equal Access Mandate


Published on: March 4, 2022

Published in: The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics

Joseph Liss, former Legal Fellow at the MRCT Center, David Peloquin, Mark Barnes and Barbara Bierer co-authored “Applying Civil Rights Law to Clinical Research: Title VI’s Equal Access Mandate,” published in The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits federally-funded educational institutions and health care centers from engaging in discrimination “on the ground of race, color, or national origin.” The authors argue that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “has not used the full arsenal of legal and policy tools at its disposal to push for equal rights” to obligate institutions that receive federal funding for clinical research “to provide equal access to participation in clinical trials to racial and ethnic minority communities.”