About Us

Get Involved

We offer various opportunities to get involved with the MRCT Center.

For representatives of industry, academia, advocacy groups, nonprofit organizations, and regulatory agencies:

Does your organization want to engage with other similar institutions, organizations, and stakeholders to address common challenges and opportunities associated with global clinical research? Consider becoming an MRCT Center Sponsor

Contact Sarah White for more information.

For interested individuals:

Do you want to contribute your voice to MRCT Center projects and deliverables? Are you interested in joining a project workgroup? Being a guest speaker at an MRCT Center webinar?  Let us know which Project(s) or Resource(s) you are interested in and contact Sarah White.

For Patients and Participants:

Utilize our resources for Patients and Participants >

Would you like to be a patient advocate representative on an MRCT Center project work group or webinar?  Serve on one of our projects as a patient advocate.

For more information, please contact us at mrct@bwh.harvard.edu or send us an inquiry here.