Clinical Research Glossary

incentive incentive

Something that supports or encourages research participation.

Example of incentive in a sentence

An incentive to join research might be to help researchers learn more about a condition or find a new treatment.

More Info

Incentives for research participation can be feeling good personally, receiving a gift card or payment, or getting entered into a raffle.

Incentives can also include payment beyond the costs of participating or access to free medication. Incentives often help enrollment.

Participants should never feel that an incentive pressures them to join the study or remain in the study.

Other info to think about when joining a study

You may hear the term “incentive” before you enroll in a study. The study team may provide incentives for you showing up to study visits or when you complete the study.

You may want to ask if study incentives could impact your eligibility for any social benefits if you are using things like SNAP or are on disability. Incentives can be in the form of money and may need to be reported on your taxes.

You should feel free to discuss with the study team whether any kind of incentive will be offered and in what form.

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