How likely it is that a study can be completed.
Archives: Glossary Terms
Serious Adverse Event (SAE)
A health issue that happens during a study, and can lead to hospital care, lasting medical problems, life-threatening conditions, or death.
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repository (research)
A collection of participant data and samples stored for future research.
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procedures (for participants)
The activities that participants will be asked to do during the research study.
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post-market surveillance
Continuing to collect and analyze information about the risks and benefits of medicine and devices after they have been approved for patient use.
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pilot study
A small study that is done to test a process before starting a larger study.
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Someone considered too young to give legal consent.
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master protocol
An overall research plan that guides sub-studies that have their own research questions.
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database (research)
Information that has been collected and organized to be used for research.
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concomitant medications
Non-study medicines that are allowed to be taken at the same time as the study treatment.