JTF Framework Translations

We are committed to providing the JTF Core Competency Framework in as many languages as possible. If you are interested in helping with translations, please contact mrct@bwh.harvard.edu.

The JTF Framework can be accessed and downloaded in ten languages. Additional translations are in progress.

The Community Coalition for Equity in Research, part of Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center (Harvard Catalyst), has created a helpful guidance document on Translation Guidelines for Equity in Research.

The following translations are currently available:


View the English version

Find a full list of domains here.


Vea la traducción al español.

Encuentre una lista completa de dominios aquí.


Voir la version française

Accès à la liste complète des domaines ici.


Lihat versi Bahasa Indonesia

Lihat daftar lengkap setiap ranah  dan kompetensi di sini.


Visualizza la versione italiana

Trovate l’elenco completo dei domini qui


Hiển thị bản tiếng Việt

Xem danh sách đầy đủ các lĩnh vực tại đây

JTF Vietnamese Wheel graphic cropped4


عرض النسخة العربية

يمكن الاطّلاع على قائمة المجالات الكاملة هنا

JTF wheel-arabic


Veja a versão Portuguesa

Encontre aqui a lista completa de domínios

JTF Portuguese with revised logos