President Emeritus, Greenwall Foundation
Chair, MRCT Center External Advisory Board
Before becoming President and CEO of the Greenwall Foundation, Dr. Lo was Professor of Medicine and Director of the Program in Medical Ethics at UCSF. A member of the Institute of Medicine (IOM, now called the National Academy of Medicine, NAM), Dr. Lo served on the IOM Council, chaired the IOM Board on Health Sciences Policy, and chaired IOM or NAM committees on conflicts of interest in medicine, responsible sharing of clinical trial data, and clinical practice guidelines prescribing opioids for acute pain. He chairs a NAM committee on ethical, legal, and regulatory issues associatd with neural chimeras and organoids. Dr. Lo also serves on the Board of Directors of Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) and on the Medical Advisory Panel of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. He is author of Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: A Guide for Clinicians (6th ed., 2019).